Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

My Awesome Friend :3

Hello , my awesome friend is Damien Chee :D He's awesome, he's always my chatbuddy when I need one , if I'm not doing anything , I'll be chatting with him ^^ Although he likes to chat about fun stuffs , I somehow feel guilty for not continuing the conversation :X HAHA, hope he doesn't feel sad . Well , hope I'll think of a way to cheer him up successfully next time ! :D I'll be awkward not to cheer him up :x Damien , if your reading this , AHHAAHHA, "Exposedddddddd" xD Hope you don't mind :3 Yeahhh, and he's away from 22Jan - 29Jan >:( Textbuddy no more la :/ AHHAH, hope he gets happier at Jakarta :3 instead of being so sad in Singapore :3 Too bad I've never really chatted in person :P But its really awkward to see him in person ._. the first time I talked to him is when I was late :X he was on prefect duty >:3 Hahah, was laughing on the inside cause he doesn't know how to spell my name >:) That's all , bye >:D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vivian Siow Rocks :D

Hello , I'm happy today :) Cause Vivian is always there to help me , cheer me up , give me updates on SOME ppl :3 She's awesome , everytime we go home together , we share secrets or whatsoever while going home , we sometimes even stop at a certain place to chat more , but when its over 7pm, we will stop right away and then get back home as fast as we can :D She's awesome :3 And she's cute too ;) Kay Thanks And Bye :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Was Paid $ 221211

Hello ! I'm so happy today!! :D I Was paid!! :D I got paid by help my school's bookshop auntie to sell books ! :D but it was stressful serving the people :/ they came and asked if they need to buy this and that , well , that's okay :) but the counting of money is NO NO .. :( I counted 3 ppl's money wrongly :( hope I don't get scolded :( but I did get paid!! $25 :D IM SO HAPPY! :D and the last 3 students I served was 3 Chinese Girls :) they're cute :) one of them actually said that she wanted to join Netball :D IM SO HAPPY! :D Netball rocks man! ;) and then there was thus boy who looked like devin , only that he was chinese.. He's quite cute though :D I remembered one of the girls name is GuoTing, and the other one's ZhenXue? I think so :) Well, ZhengXue's coming Netball :D HAPPY :) Kay Thanks And Bye :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Awesome Teammates ♥

My Team is awesome :) they're always there for me when I need them the most :) when that time I was sad over some matter , they asked why ♥. we went through thick and thin in Netball Trainings , go through tears when our awesome coach left :') ... Sweat and tears can't stop us from being united :) Although we had went through some quarrels/arguements , we solved it sucessfully , and we went united FOREVER ♥
Shall Dedicate them here :)
Captain - NgYunLin♥
Vice Captain - ChamaineLim♥
Amanda Toh ♥
They're A W E S O M E :)
One For All, All For One ♥

Kay Thanks and Bye ;)

Netball is My Game ♥

Hello :) my favorite sport that I'm currently playing is Netball :D its been with me for 1 Year :) Love It ♥ hope My team will get to top 4 for The North Zone Competition ✭ IWish :) Or maybe Top 3 :D Hope it'll all happen so we won't cry our precious tears out :') NV Netball Go Go Go ! One For All And All For One !♥ there's gonna be another match on 20th Dec , 28th Dec, 30th Dec ! :O Hope we will clear all with all our might! :D NV Netball JiaYou♥ Kay Thanks Bye :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

141211 ♥ Onew Birthday ♥

His birthday is gonna be over soon :( so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEW ♥ by the time I post finish, it's 00:00 in Singapore already :( So Happy 23rd Birthday to our Precious Onew ♥ And the Picture below is done by a Fan art ;) hope you'll like it :D and the one with your name is done by me! :D Your MVP! ♥ I LOVE YOU ONEW! ♥
To Korea - 01:00 it's already over :(
Happy birthday 
Onew , I Love You ♥
From Singapore , HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEW !♥

My Crush ♥ (4)

Hello Once again :) Here I go again :)
Then there's a time we had to go for a CIP thing, beach clean-up ... But he had NCC :( he actually wanted to go for the CIP instead of NCC rehearsal ... But his NCC thing is More important than the CIP thing ... And there's a girl who usually flirts with him and she's very daring a open -.- I don't wanna say her name as it is very offensive -.- ... She sucks can -.- she is desperate for friends -.- she'll do anything just to get her hands on him -.- ... She's the one that made him change his mind -.- ... I Hate Her ... She's short haired -.- Kay back to my crush :) he's good :) funny... He may not look that cute to you , but he is to me :) he's kind too :)
Kay, thts the end of my crush story... I should say that i still like him ♥ Kay Thanks Bye :)

My Crush ♥ (2)

HAHAH, hello , I'm back :D thanks for waiting :) I'm gonna type out my whole diary here just FOR YOU :) coz I love you :) hope you're reading this ♥ I started liking you ever since 020711 :) I started liking you because I thought you liked me too, you usually wanna group me up with you, ask me to help you in stuffs , share with me funny things that you only tag me ... Then that time I didn't check on my notifications on Facebook for a week or so... I might think that you think I don't like you... But the truth is, I still like you... I went crazy in my diary ... Many exclamation mark xD ...I still remember your birthdate though, it's on 080298 ^///^ ... I remember that you sat beside me outta nowhere ^///^ still very happy about it :3 ... When Mdm chithira nvr come, he sat around me :3 Happy Happy :D then D&T class, he asked to the help of all ppl ^///^ ... in chinese class , he sat beside me AGAIN :D OMG, gonna go crazy ^///^ ...then P.E lessons came ... We played captains ball, I became the captain and then after that, he became the captain too ^///^ ... then after I caught the ball , he touched my hands *///* ... SHY SHY :O then I became the captain again, he defend me instead :D ... Like what i drew :3...AWW... AWESOME MOMENTS :3 IMissYou ♥ when he took some attendance thingy, he wrote my name first ♥.♥..have one time he snatched my D&T pieces, I snatched back, but I scratched until him :( I feel very bad :'( but actually I nvr play with him for very long already ... Kay, shall continue on the next post :D Kay Thanks Bye :)