Monday, January 23, 2012

My Awesome Friend :3

Hello , my awesome friend is Damien Chee :D He's awesome, he's always my chatbuddy when I need one , if I'm not doing anything , I'll be chatting with him ^^ Although he likes to chat about fun stuffs , I somehow feel guilty for not continuing the conversation :X HAHA, hope he doesn't feel sad . Well , hope I'll think of a way to cheer him up successfully next time ! :D I'll be awkward not to cheer him up :x Damien , if your reading this , AHHAAHHA, "Exposedddddddd" xD Hope you don't mind :3 Yeahhh, and he's away from 22Jan - 29Jan >:( Textbuddy no more la :/ AHHAH, hope he gets happier at Jakarta :3 instead of being so sad in Singapore :3 Too bad I've never really chatted in person :P But its really awkward to see him in person ._. the first time I talked to him is when I was late :X he was on prefect duty >:3 Hahah, was laughing on the inside cause he doesn't know how to spell my name >:) That's all , bye >:D

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