Showing posts with label NV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NV. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sad Life For Me 

Yup, I was sad on Christmas, yesterday and today , I didnt know that there's training today, and I really wanted training! :'( Hope there's more training! :( btw, I'm also sad today because he's going 2e2 ! :( Maybe he's lucky cause he's smart .. I should study harder! :/ Hatin' my class, but I think with some of the 1e4 ppl , my class would be more fun! ;D with RuiXu,Daniel, all these awesome 1e4 ppl coming my class , this class would be awesome ;) better than last year  Hate last year .. This year might be the best! :D Can't wait! I don't wanna suffer alone, I was close with 1e4 thanks to some stupid girls from my class  but I have my new friends  Kay Thanks And Bye ;)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Was Dead . :X

I WAS DEAD TODAY , Trainings tough we died one at a time , I saw Many juniors , one of them is called "Alisa", the other one is "Shahira(?)" I think so :) and the other fell on was sent to the doctor :( But when school reopens, there will be more JUNIORS ! HOORAY! :D When they come , I'll post more :D Kay Thanks And Bye :D

Sunday, December 18, 2011

He Really Likes ... ♥

OMG! actually this will be short .. Well, I just found out he likes Sunny Umma!! xD it's so obvious on his Facebook name! SoonKyu! It means SUNNY! She's cute :D Well, I'm not stalking him, I saw this on my Newsfeed x) ... Yeah, did I tell you that He likes SHINee's Ring Ding Dong? ;) he played it on ICT class! >< OMG! :D And I WAS thinking about changing my name to ... ShiYean LikesOnew! ><||| but to Ermm... UnOriginal ! XD even ShiYean DuBu sounds better ! :D Kay Thanks Bye :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Awesome Teammates ♥

My Team is awesome :) they're always there for me when I need them the most :) when that time I was sad over some matter , they asked why ♥. we went through thick and thin in Netball Trainings , go through tears when our awesome coach left :') ... Sweat and tears can't stop us from being united :) Although we had went through some quarrels/arguements , we solved it sucessfully , and we went united FOREVER ♥
Shall Dedicate them here :)
Captain - NgYunLin♥
Vice Captain - ChamaineLim♥
Amanda Toh ♥
They're A W E S O M E :)
One For All, All For One ♥

Kay Thanks and Bye ;)

Netball is My Game ♥

Hello :) my favorite sport that I'm currently playing is Netball :D its been with me for 1 Year :) Love It ♥ hope My team will get to top 4 for The North Zone Competition ✭ IWish :) Or maybe Top 3 :D Hope it'll all happen so we won't cry our precious tears out :') NV Netball Go Go Go ! One For All And All For One !♥ there's gonna be another match on 20th Dec , 28th Dec, 30th Dec ! :O Hope we will clear all with all our might! :D NV Netball JiaYou♥ Kay Thanks Bye :)