Friday, November 30, 2012

Malaysia Camp! ;)

I think I have any many many things to say cause I did ALOT in my camp . Used up many tears and sweat ! Let me start from the Malaysia trip .....

The trip to Johore was a killer ._. I almost wanted to vomit .... the trip was so shaky and nobody felt the shakyness ... survived it through sleeping ! The fun parts are mostly in the chocolate factory where we can buy and drink free samples of choclates ! Yummy good! ;)

Then we reached the hotel ... to be honest the hotel gave me alot of pressure while I sleep! Lucky I slept cause I'm really tired ... the toilet was very ... EW for Millie :p HAHAHAHAHHAHA

Then we went to see fireflies after dinner ... the boat was shaky too T.T but the fireflies was BEAUTIFUL *O*

Went JUZCO and did batik painting! :) Then everyone was given an "Angel" and my angel was surprisingly MRS TAN :D HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA OMG . Then I'm the angel of XinYi :) Hahaha Mrs tan gave me a name tag and note book and a pack of m&m s!

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