Showing posts with label SECONDARY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SECONDARY. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Hello! It's been so freaking long since I update this blog... Wow this year sec 4 already sia *STRESS STRESS* yes major papers and everything... and why don't I feel that I'm having exams? sighpie. Any goals? Ermmm maybe get into PFP since it's the best choice :) But it's so damn hard to handle studies and CCAs all together, having matches which will cause me to skip classes. Another thing to worry about, my team . This team is special, I mean like, it's more different than Angelu's batch.It's like as if all the stress and pressure are on you. Cause last year we all depend heavily on Angelu, Stacey, Jolene, etc to win... Now the sec 3s all depends on us.. get what I mean? Honestly I do miss being in the same team as them . Nowadays I find Ms loo different. Like, she is very soft now and she falls sick very easily, which gets me worried. And with us playing not so up to our standard, it makes her more sad and thus she falls even more sick :( 
recent matches we played : 
5 - 49
6 - 41
7 - 31
2 - 40
31 - 28 
7 - 37
and that's the end of round 1 .....
we lost to christ church partly the reason cause I wasn't there... oops. I was sick okay haha. and yunlin's knee was hurting, charmaine's knee was hurting too. so let's just say everyone felt so not on form, not in the optimal arousal :( 


p.s : I suck at editing blogs hahaha

Saturday, February 25, 2012

OhMyGod , Many Good And Bad Things Had Happend .

Well , as the tittle said that many good things and bad things had happened , well it is :) let's start with the good things , I'VE MY FIRST MEDAL :D It's for my 1.5km run , I've got SILVER :) my favourite colour :D
Found a good new chat buddy :) Starting to love my tuition :) . Now the bad things . The Netballers lost to Bowen Secondary -.- We lost nevermind , but at least give us some face can anot? Laugh and then celebrate IN FRONT OF US? WTS -.- Bowen , this is from me , to you , next time , have some sportsmanship can? -.- so far we have lost to SingaporeSportsSchool and BOWEN secondary -.- I've not concentrating on my studies too , I hate my life -.- Okay , that's all , bye .

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Netball Results From Round 1 ♔

Hello , came to update about my team's Netball North Zone results .
1st Game :
Christ Church - North Vista
1 - 14
2nd Game :
Canberra - North Vista
0 - 56
3rd Game :
Sembawang : North Vista

4rd Game :
SingaporeSportsSchool - North Vista
19 - 6
5th Game :
Ahmad Ibrahim - North Vista
11 - 18
6th Game :
Northland - North Vista
7 - 14
More updates coming along ! :)